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Organizational Thought Leadership Blog

Read our advice for organizational thought leaders.
OrgTL Canvas – The Three-Legged Stool

At its heart, an effective #thoughtleadership #strategy begins with alignment around three key stakeholders. Surprisingly, we’ve seen #organizations struggle with each of these criteria. 😵‍💫 (Often, with two…

OrgTL Canvas Intro

Many individuals and organizations stumble into #thoughtleadership. Often, it’s not a planned effort. 😵‍💫 Maybe an employee is asked to speak at a #conference 🎙️ or write…

OrgTL White Paper

Over the past four years, we — (Bill Sherman and Peter Winick of Thought Leadership Leverage) — have spoken with over 250 heads of #thoughtleadership within…

Minimum-Viable Thought Leadership

How do we catch someone’s attention 🎺 through #thoughtleadership? I’m a huge fan of snackable bites, 🍪 especially when it comes to insight and #ideas. People…

Idea Generation

I’m deeply interested in how ideas 💡 emerge and spread. Jamie Dimon, CEO of J.P. Morgan once said that remote work💻 “doesn’t work in…

Content Insecurity Leads to Bad Habits

#Content insecurity 👾 happens when a #thoughtleader can’t stop tweaking their content. 📝 Suffering from content insecurity leads to bad habits 👾👾👾 that can really cut a…

The Four Stages of Learning

As a #thoughtleader, you ‘re an expert 🏅 in your content. But your learners are just beginning! 📝 If you want others to master your #content,…

Elevate Your Content Business!

#Thoughtleaders are book-smart academics, 👓 gray-haired executives 📊, and road-warrior consultants 🚗💨. They influence and shape the direction of business #culture And move things forward for…

What are the Core Principles of Content?

The most well-known #thoughtleaders communicate their #content 📣 quickly, clearly, and succinctly. They know how their content can help, 📈 and where it can be applied for the…

We Need to Repeat Ourselves!

We’re socially conditioned to avoid repeating ourselves. 📢📢📢 And that’s a liability when it comes to #thoughtleadership. When we’re in conversation, we want our listeners…