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OrgTL White Paper

Over the past four years, we —
(Bill Sherman and Peter Winick of Thought Leadership Leverage) —
have spoken with over 250 heads of #thoughtleadership within organizations
ranging from Fortune 50 to SMBs, and VC funded startups to non-profits.

That’s why we created our new whitepaper,
Leveraging Your Org’s Thought Leadership,
which we call The #OrgTLCanvas.

Many of our conversations are documented and publicly available
in the Leveraging Thought Leadership #podcast, 🎙️
or available in many of our LinkedIn posts and videos. 🎥

But in most cases, thought leadership strategy
starts with a simple checklist. Ask yourself these questions:

✔️ Can you easily link your org’s thought leadership goals with key business #objectives?
✔️ Do you know your target audiences clearly?
✔️ Have you fully recruited internal resources and expertise?
✔️ Have you solved the “last mile” problem within your sales organization?
✔️ Do you measure #results instead of activity?

If your org isn’t using thought leadership as effectively as you’d like
There are a lot of ways to address it,
But it all comes down to building a robust strategy
For the creation ⚒️, collation 📃, and deployment 📢 of thought leadership.

Over the next few posts, I’ll explain the various parts of the OrgTL Canvas.
I invite you to follow me on this journey.

Until then, I invite you to read our white paper – and contact me if you have any thoughts or questions:

I look forward to your thoughts!

I write about:
#ThoughtLeadership #OrgTL and #Marketing