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Organizational Thought Leadership Blog

Read our advice for organizational thought leaders.
Introducing Ideas

💡Thursday Thought Leadership Challenge💡 Introduce your idea like it’s a participant in a Zoom call. You’ll be surprised at what you learn. Imagine we’re…

Speak the Difficult Truth

It’s hard to speak the difficult truth. It’s sooooo much easier to stay silent. I’ve spent my adult life learning how to speak more…

Ideas Have a Network Effect

There’s a continuum between “trade secret” and open-source. And I put thought leadership closer to the #opensource side of the continuum. 💡Ideas have a network effect….

Big Ideas

Can you distill your best ideas down into a simple question? NASA can. They excel at it. Many of NASA’s most amazing ideas and…

Distill Your Ideas

Don’t ask your audience to make sense of your messy ideas. It’s your responsibility to distill the ideas down. I don’t want to go…

Serendipity ≠ Strategy

Serendipity ≠ Strategy Many people first stumble into thought leadership through serendipity. 📝 Write an article 🎙️ Give a talk/speech 📊 Create a whitepaper…

Bridge the Gap

The cartoon below was printed on *all* my calculus exams in high school. The hard work lies *between* the idea and the proof. We…