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Organizational Thought Leadership Blog

Read our advice for organizational thought leaders.
Is this Idea Good Enough?

I’ve seen a lot of smart people 💡 practice thought leadership and there’s a common place people get tripped up. 👟 It doesn’t matter…

Coining a Term in Business

There’s incredible power 🔥 in coining a term in business. A term can define how people think 🧠💭and talk 📢 about a topic. Marketers…

Knowing What to Share

You’re proud of your thought leadership, 🏆 and you share it, hoping to get constructive criticism as well as build your audience. 🎪 But…

Overcoming Content Insecurity

To practice thought leadership You need to overcome content insecurity. A lot of people have great ideas. 💡 But they hoard those insights, and…