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Questions to begin Thought Leadership in Your Organization

β€œWe want our senior executives to do some thought leadership.
What would that look like, and what would be the benefits to our organization?”

Most leaders are looking for ways to grow their business, πŸ“ˆ
but few have really considered strategies that involve thought leadership.

Thought leadership is a powerful πŸ’₯ way to attract new clients,
build trust in the company,
and support future leaders 🌍 within your organization
– if your company really knows how to use it.

So, if you want to begin thought leadership for your orgβ€”
Where do you begin?
Ask yourself a few questions:

πŸ€” How easily do ideas flow across my company?
πŸ€” Are our top experts’ ideas known within our organization?
πŸ€” Do we encourage our people to build a reputation in their field?
πŸ€” How well does our org develop thought leadership skills?
πŸ€” Do our best and brightest feel that they are still growing?
πŸ€” How quickly do we get our best ideas out to our clients?
πŸ€” Do our clients put our ideas to use?

Expertise is a valuable πŸ’° commodity.
Your organization has hired some of the smartest people in your industry.
Why aren’t you using that to the company’s advantage,
through thought leadership?

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#ThoughtLeadershipΒ #OrgTLΒ andΒ #Brand