People who look for thought leadership on the web Can find themselves flooded by all kinds of content. They’re asking themselves, ❓ What sort…
LinkedIn Posts
There’s incredible power 🔥 in coining a term in business. A term can define how people think 🧠💭and talk 📢 about a topic. Marketers…
How does your org define its thought leadership function? What roles sit underneath that TL umbrella ☔ ? Some aspects of the thought leadership…
You’re proud of your thought leadership, 🏆 and you share it, hoping to get constructive criticism as well as build your audience. 🎪 But…
How does your org define its thought leadership function? What roles sit underneath that TL umbrella ☔ ? Some aspects of the thought leadership…
Bands 🥁🎵🎺 and thought leadership 💡 have a lot in common. You have to balance your hits with your new material. Have you ever…
Where does AI fit within thought leadership? Noah Smith’s recent substack explores that question. And fits it into a framework of meta-tools for creating…
How large is the potential audience 🏟️ for your org’s thought leadership? It’s not your current number of followers, surely. Some insights have small…
To practice thought leadership You need to overcome content insecurity. A lot of people have great ideas. 💡 But they hoard those insights, and…
True story 📖 from a few years ago: Four business book authors walk into a bar. 🍺 The first was a 1st time author….