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Who am I talking to?

Here’s one of the most important questions ❓
a thought leadership practitioner can ask themselves:

“Who am I talking to?” 🤔

Who is your best audience?
What are their pain points?
What do they need to hear, and where are they listening?

Are you broadcasting: spreading your message far and wide,
like dandelion seeds 🌻 on the wind?

Are you narrowcasting: identifying your best audience,
and placing your content where it will be seen 👀
by the people who need that content most –
like a flower’s scent, drawing in bees? 🐝🐝🐝

Or, are you pointcasting: communicating with a single organizational buyer –
a person or team with specific challenges
and preferences regarding the specific type of content they need?

Broadcasting your ideas is like trusting the wind. It’s inefficient.
Narrowcasting is symbiotic; you serve your audience,
and they help your thought leadership reach scale.
Pointcasting is precise.  📌
It’s a unity of your thought leadership and your client’s needs.
Pointcasting is a critical part of building strategic relationships and partnerships.

Imagine your “best audience.” Who are they?

Have you defined your avatars well enough that you can find them easily?
Do you know how to reach them,
and are you giving them enough information
to recognize the value of your thought leadership?

I write about
#ThoughtLeadership #OrgTL and #Brand