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Introducing Ideas

💡Thursday Thought Leadership Challenge💡
Introduce your idea like it’s a participant in a Zoom call.
You’ll be surprised at what you learn.
Imagine we’re in the “intros” part of a Zoom meeting.
The host asks *your idea* to introduce itself.

🤳Use your phone to record this intro — don’t script it.
⏱️Keep it short (90 seconds or less)
📱Play video back to yourself
👀 observe and take notes

Over the past few years, we’ve practiced our Zoom intros for ourselves.
Most of us have gotten pretty good at it.

We quickly share the essentials, our name, our role, and how we’re relevant to this meeting. And a little context.

But we’re pretty lousy at introducing our ideas, because we haven’t practiced.

Rate your intro like you would any Zoom intro.

Here are common pitfalls I see when I ask people to introduce their ideas.

❌ not clear
❌ way too long
❌ not engaging
❌ not relevant

Try this activity out for yourself.

How easy is it for you to introduce your idea?

I’d love to hear about your experiences (or challenges).

I write about
#ThoughtLeadership#OrgTL, and #Storytelling

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most weekdays and some weekends