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What’s Content Insecurity?

People who practice thought leadership get stuck a lot.
I’m building a list of ways they can self-sabotage.
And I’d love your help brainstorming.

Right now, I’m focused on ways that
content insecurity manifests in smart people.

What’s content insecurity?

💡 “My idea isn’t good enough”
💡 “It’s not ready for prime time.”

And so, you don’t put your idea out to the world.
You don’t get feedback.
The idea goes nowhere.
Creates zero impact.

I’ve identified four types of content insecurity.
You’ll find them in this slideshow.
But I think there might be more.

So, I’m sharing this partial (non-definitive) list.

I’d love your feedback.

Have you seen content insecurity?

Have you seen it manifest in different ways?

If so, please tell me.
I’d love your help.

I write about:
#ThoughtLeadership #OrgTL and #Marketing