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Thought Leadership Works Best When it’s a Team Sport

⚽Thought leadership works best when it’s a team sport. ⚽

That’s why organizations need to encourage everyone to practice thought leadership!

Insights can come from any level of the organization. That means it really doesn’t matter how impressive your title sounds, or how star-filled your network is.

So, what does thought leadership in the org look like?

💡 It starts with a search for good ideas.
🕊️ Then, send those ideas out to your audience, and
✨ Others pick up on the idea and become fans.

When you practice thought leadership,
it doesn’t matter what jersey🎽you wear
or what position you play.
You might even be in the stands, cheering the team on.

Many sports limit their team rosters.
But thought leadership is inclusive.
There’s no upper limit to the team size.

Taking ideas to scale is very collaborative work,
and that’s why organizations have an advantage –
because they have a lot of people to help sharpen and clarify content.

We need help to make our insights crisp, clear, and brilliant.

Why? It’s simple, really.

👀 Many eyes searching together can spot hidden issues.
📣 Many voices speaking together can break through the wall of noise and be heard.
🤲🏽 Many hands make the impossible, possible.

That’s how you unlock the power of scale in thought leadership.

So, if you’re an organizational thought leadership practitioner, make sure you invest time in building your team—and encouraging colleagues, customers, competitors, media, and influencers to share their thoughts.

Building your team isn’t a one-time activity. It’s something you need to work on every day!

I write about
#ThoughtLeadership#OrgTL, and #Brand