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Thought Leadership for Intelligent Networking | Cynthia O’Neal

Thought Leadership for Intelligent Networking | Cynthia O’Neal

Using thought leadership to develop methodologies and strategies for intelligent networking.

An interview with Cynthia O’Neal about using thought leadership to spread the message of intelligent networking.

Today’s guest is Cynthia O’Neal, the thought Leadership and content strategist for the intelligent networking division at Verizon professional services with 20 years’ experience leading change across marketing, sales, and technology in both the corporate and government sectors.

Cynthia walks us through what Intelligent Networking is and how Version is using it to maintain a cutting edge in their industry. Cynthia discussed how she is helping subject matter experts develop and implement thought leadership for use on the marketing side. She shares how they are creating their methodology for use internally before taking it externally, the challenges they’ve faced and the incredible success they’ve achieved.

Three Key Takeaways from the Interview:

  • How thought leadership connects to intelligent networking.
  • How to develop organizational thought leadership methodologies and strategies.
  • Why you need to equip people with the right thought leadership tools to ensure they are comfortable talking about the subject.

Are you an evangelist for your organization? Do you need help figuring out how to better communicate and connect with your employees or management?  If you want to transform your organizational thought leadership, reach out to Thought Leadership Leverage.

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And if you need help scaling organizational thought leadership, contact Thought Leadership Leverage!