It’s a rainy Friday afternoon in Las Vegas,
And while rain may be common where you live, here in Vegas, it’s rare.
I took time to look out the window.
There’s a lesson for thought leadership.
Many times, when we practice thought leadership
we take our best ideas for granted.
Because we see them every day.
We’re always thinking about them.
Our best ideas become very familiar to us.
Maybe over time we view them as common or unremarkable.
Yet, for other people.
(Those who live in a desert.)
Your idea might be as unusual as a spring rainstorm.
Something that causes them to stop what they’re doing —
and give their full attention.
So here are two pieces of advice.
1. Stay in touch with the joy of your biggest ideas.
Put on your rain boots.
Go splash in a few intellectual puddles from time to time.
Re-find the joy of your big idea.
2. Watch others when they delight in your idea
Don’t diminish their curiosity
Watch them “stare in wonder”
Maybe even sit beside them
Thought leadership means staying in touch with the joy of ideas.
Meanwhile, I’m going to go listen to the patter of rain against my window.
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#ThoughtLeadership #OrgTL and #B2BMarketing
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Most weekdays and some weekends