Thought leadership without a good idea
is a lot of busywork without any value
or as Shakespeare might say —
a lot of activity “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
I’ve heard a lot of organizations say:
“We need to do thought leadership.”
[long pause]
That’s like saying “we need to do sales.” or “we need to do accounting.”
Yes, and . . . so, tell me:
What’s your idea?
Who needs to hear it?
How does this idea tie back to your org’s goals?
If you cannot answer these three questions, stop!
Your core idea needs to be *good enough*.
It doesn’t need to be world changing E=MC2
But you need to take the idea beyond its “early days”
and craft it into something that’s actually useful to others.
If you don’t have a good idea,
you’re just adding to the noise.
So, what’s the idea at the heart of your thought leadership?
Can you express it in a sentence or two?
I write about
#ThoughtLeadership #OrgTL and #B2BMarketing
I publish on
Most weekdays and some weekends