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Thought Leadership in the Saddle Points

I’m passionate about organizational thought leadership, and I hope you are as well!

For more than two years, I’ve made it my project to connect with colleagues and fellow practitioners in this space. I’ve spoken with fellow thought leadership practitioners around the world — Singapore, London, New York, Bangalore and Zurich, among many other places.

It’s given me a lot to think about and reflect on. I’ve learned a lot by connecting with global thought leadership practitioners, and diving deeper into the ways they are creating, curating and deploying thought leadership in their organizations.

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about saddle points–the concave bowls between mountain peaks.

As thought leadership practitioners, it’s easiest for us to do our job when we’re “on the mountaintop” with a clear view. From there, we can peer into the future and discern insights.

Over the past year, many TL practitioners have expressed uncertainty about the future. We’re in a low point, and we don’t have a clear view of the horizon.

It’s difficult to practice thought leadership in these “saddle points,” where the world is changing rapidly and rock-solid assumptions crumble into dust. Things vanish from sight — sometimes overnight.

So, if you find yourself trying to practice thought leadership when you’re a saddle point, here’s my advice:

1. Seek elevation, find a clear horizon, and stop to consider the view.

2. Perform a quick environmental scan — what’s changed? What’s stayed the same?

3. Find a direction to move in, and lock on. Don’t be distracted by shifting terrain.

If you want to know more about my journey in Organizational Though Leadership, take a moment to explore the OrgTL podcast series, watch my catalogue of short-form videos, and sign up for the newsletter.

Org TL MInute: Do you practice Thought Leadership?

Or contact me. I’d love to talk shop about thought leadership with you.