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The Struggles with Thought Leadership

Many organizations struggle with thought leadership.
Sure, they’ve got lots of good ideas 💡.
But they haven’t developed the muscles 🏋️‍♀️ they need to take those ideas to scale — both within/beyond their org.
That’s the focus of the April session of the #OrgTL roundtable.

People within the org often have wildly different:
👀 definitions of thought leadership
📖 priorities for thought leadership
🎯 goals for thought leadership

So what do you need to do?

You need to plan and act strategically.

You need to get everyone on the same page.

In this Thursday’s Org TL Roundtable session, I’ll share a framework that helps organizations build connect their thought leadership with:

📊their org’s core business objectives
🎁their audience’s needs

This framework distills my 20 years of thinking about thought leadership into a tool you can use to drive conversations.

And frame where you will focus your thought leadership efforts — and what you will say “no, that’s not our focus right now.”

Interested in learning more?

DM me about the OrgTL Roundtable.

I write about
#ThoughtLeadership #OrgTL and #B2BMarketing

I publish on
Most weekdays and some weekends