Examining the concepts of owned ideas and recruiting help. An interview with Deborah Levine about the various mediums used in her thought…
thought leadership
Developing from consultant to thought leader. An interview with Kon Apostolopoulos about growing from consultant to author to thought leader. The journey…
Shaping the conversation of topics that are not universally agreed on. An interview with Nora DePalma about engaging audiences on difficult topics while…
How Generative AI can improve the flow of data and improve understanding. An interview with Mahan Tavakoli about AI in thought leadership and…
Turning failure into a learning opportunity for growth. An interview with Don Schmincke about becoming blinded by the tools we use and making…
Understanding engagement and how ideas connect with an audience. An interview with Scott Gould about defining engagement and refining ideas for…
Going from idea to prototype, to marketable product. An interview with Pete O’Heeron about pushing the envelope of science to bring…
Creating and maintaining data governance policies. An interview with Lauren Maffeo about the importance of data governance and how it can be implemented….
Taking a niche product offering to market using thought leadership. An interview with Martha Orellana about expanding your audience and turning a product offering…
What it takes to start a successful thought leadership program. An interview with Dr. Karthik Nagendra about standing up a thought leadership function, no…