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OrgTL Canvas – Teamwork

I’ve talked quite a bit about the #OrgTL Canvas,
part of our new whitepaper, Leveraging Your Org’s Thought Leadership.

It’s a #framework created to help #organizations
create strong #thoughtleadership strategies –
and now it’s time for the next piece of the puzzle: Teamwork.

No thought leadership practitioner can create ⚒️, collate 📃, and deploy 📢
thought leadership on their own at an #enterprise scale.
(Even if they’re devoted to the task full time and leverage their evenings 🌙 and weekends 🗓️.)

So, by necessity if an organization wants their #insights to reach scale,
then it needs to allocate additional resources. 💵 ⌚

That requires Teamwork.

An organizational thought leadership practitioner needs support
from other organizational functions—such as #marketing and #sales teams.
Visual creatives, social media experts, front-line salespeople, sales engineers,
and evangelists all have a role to play when it comes to getting good insights ⭐
to an organization’s target audience. 🎪

We have seen many organizations struggle with this facet of thought leadership.
In some cases, the supporting teams don’t understand what they’re being asked to achieve.

In other cases, it’s because the deployment of thought leadership
is an “add-on” to a team’s burden, 📈
without a lessening 📉 of their usual responsibilities and goals.

Sales teams especially struggle with this challenge, and it creates a “last mile” delivery problem.
The organization wants the sales team to share insights,
but the team is laser-focused on closing today’s deal.

In our experience, it cannot be just one or the other.

Until then, I invite you to read our white paper – and contact me if you have any thoughts or questions:
I write about:
#ThoughtLeadership #OrgTL and #Marketing