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OrgTL Canvas – Target Avatars

Many organizational #thoughtleaders can generate
a list 📝 of people who need your #insights
by name, role, industry, and organization. 📝
Or, if you don’t know their names,
you can create a clear description with title, role, and psychographics.

These are your Target Avatars.

Our new  Leveraging Your Org’s Thought Leadership whitepaper
(also known as the #OrgTL Canvas!) discusses Target Avatars:
✔️ how to find them,
✔️ how to reach them,
✔️ and how to build trusting #relationships
✔️ and #strategies that will elevate ✈️ your thought leadership efforts.

Thought leadership Target Avatars are built ⛏️
on the hard and soft characteristics
of the audiences that you are trying to reach. 📢

Often, organizations reduce their target avatars
to a list of buyers 💰 and prospects.
We believe this approach is a major oversimplification.

When we prompt clients to think expansively,
they often produce more 📝 thoughtful lists
of people they need to influence with their ideas;
key analysts, influencers within the buyer’s organization, policy makers, etc.

But it’s not sufficient to make a list of Target Avatars.
You must also look at these potential #buyers
in light of the Desired Outcomes and Business Drivers –
that’s why the center of the OrgTL Canvas is a bridge
connecting your deep insights
with your Target Avatars’ needs.

Our new white paper, the #OrgTL Canvas, covers these ideas in detail
Or, contact me, and we’ll set up a time to discuss.

Until then, I invite you to read our white paper – and contact me if you have any thoughts or questions:

I write about:
#ThoughtLeadership #OrgTL and #Marketing