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OrgTL Canvas – Talent

As an organizational #thoughtleader,
You’re surrounded by talented, capable folks
With big ideas 💡 and lots of #experience.

🔆 You may have noticed the technical expert who has devoted their career to a topic,
and built a reputation for advancing the conversation in their field.

🔆 Or it may be a #team that has worked together to nurture and develop a Core Idea.

If you want thought leadership to reach #scale, 🌎
then you need to start by identifying key Talent,
those people who know the idea 💡 best and can give it #impact.

They are the ones who have the expert mental #frameworks,
and likely a good percentage of the undocumented Content Library materials. 👌
They know their material deeply and instinctively,
and they can speak with authority on many different aspects.

That’s why we wrote Leveraging Your Org’s Thought Leadership,
which we call the #OrgTLCanvas.

Talent is essential and must be identified and developed.
But what happens if one of these key individuals retires, ⌛
takes a leave of absence🏖️, or joins a different company? 🚗💨

The answer can’t be that you will never develop thought leadership practitioners.

Your customers and clients are actively searching 👀 for people with a mastery of complex ideas.
You need someone to gain their trust and help them find approachable next steps.

Think of your key thought leadership Talent like a pipeline, rather than like crown jewels. 👑

In a world where generative AI 🤖 allows organizations to create vast amounts
of text-based content marketing assets,
the authentic, authoritative, and personal voice
of a thought leadership practitioner has increased value and relevance.

Our new white paper, the #OrgTL Canvas, covers these ideas in detail
Or, you can contact me, and we’ll set up a time to discuss.

Until then, I invite you to read our white paper – and contact me if you have any thoughts or questions:
I write about:
#ThoughtLeadership #OrgTL and #Marketing