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OrgTL Canvas – Needs of Your Target Audience

Each part of our Leveraging Your Org’s Thought Leadership whitepaper
(also known as the #OrgTL Canvas!)
is intended to shine a light on how organizational
#thoughtleadership #strategy 💡is crafted and deployed.

There’s the “Your Organization” column, containing issues familiar and accessible to orgs.
The “Targeted Audience” column holds the issues furthest from you and your organization.
That’s where you need to listen 👂 and learn 📝.

Items in the center are on “The Bridge.” 🌉
These items share your #insights and understanding with your targeted audiences.
(We’ll talk about those items later!)

Today, we’re going to focus on the fourth and fifth columns of the OrgTL Canvas
Where we will drill down into the needs of your target audience(s).
✔️ In the rightmost column, you identify “who” needs to hear your message.
✔️ In the adjacent column, you identify their worries, concerns, and outcomes.

We’ve often said that thought leadership is the art and practice
of becoming deeply irrelevant to 99.9% of the world’s population. 🌍
Once you accept that most people aren’t interested in your topic
or relevant to your #organization,
then it becomes much easier to let go.

Instead of saying, “Our insights could be for anyone!” you scale down.
You find a comfortable zone where you can speak directly and candidly
to an eager audience without having to water your concepts down 🫗 for the masses.

If you’re looking for a deeper dive into these insights,
read our new white paper
Or contact me, and we’ll chat about thought leadership
And how the OrgTL Canvas can propel your insights forward
To lasting success!

Until then, I invite you to read our white paper – and contact me if you have any thoughts or questions: