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OrgTL Canvas – Core Idea

An #idea 💡 isn’t a book.
It isn’t a white paper. 📄
And it’s not a research study.

A Core Idea is a #thoughtleadership #insight
that’s been distilled down into a simple statement,
often just a sentence or two. 🌱
Precisely calibrated and carefully crafted, 🛠️
It’s ready to go out and capture the attention 🎪 of your target audience.

A successful core idea will cause someone to say,
“I haven’t thought about it that way before.
I’m not even sure I agree with you.
But, please, tell me more. I’m curious.”

Most organizations need 3-5 #evergreen Core Ideas to sustain a thought leadership function.

By evergreen 🌲, we mean that the idea will remain true and #relevant
for a select target audience for at least the next three years. 🗓️
(Many of the best thought leadership insights remain evergreen much longer than that!)

A yearly time frame is typically too short when it comes to thought leadership.
It takes time to generate a good idea, 🌱
and it takes more time than you’d expect 🪴
to get that insight established in the world on its own. 🌲

We talk about Core Ideas 🌱, and how to make them flourish ☀️, in our new white paper,
Walking through the framework of the #OrgTL Canvas
And making thought leadership strategy easy to create and maintain.

Contact me, and we’ll chat about how your org
can get the most out of its thought leadership!

Until then, I invite you to read our white paper – and contact me if you have any thoughts or questions:
I write about:
#ThoughtLeadership #OrgTL and #Marketing