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OrgTL Canvas – How do You Find and Reach Your Best Audience?

If you want your #thoughtleadership #ideas to spread and create #impact,
then you need to deliver them to specific target audiences. 🎯
But how do you find your best audience 🎪, and how do you reach them 📣?

The #OrgTL Canvas bridges that gap.

Our new white paper, Leveraging Your Org’s Thought Leadership,
can be used as a framework to:
✔️ Establish and manage a sustainable thought leadership function;
✔️ Guide discussion about goals, resources, and effort;
✔️ Set boundaries for where the organization will and will not devote effort;
✔️ Create buy-in and consensus among key internal stakeholders; or
✔️ Report to senior leadership

This framework is divided into three key sections.

1️⃣ Typically, when we use the OrgTL Canvas,
we start with the section focused on “Your Organization.”
The items in the “Your Organization” columns
are most familiar and most accessible to you.

2️⃣ Then, we work through the other side, the “Targeted Audience” columns.
The items in the “Targeted Audience” column
are furthest from you and your #organization.
That’s where you need to listen and learn.

3️⃣ Finally, once both supports have been created, we build “The Bridge.”
Items in the center are on “The Bridge.”
These items share your insights and understanding with your targeted audiences.

That’s how we recommend using this tool, and it’s how we’ll explain it here.
Over the next few posts, I’ll explore the framework of the OrgTL Canvas
And the factors that led to its creation. 🌏
I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Until then, I invite you to read our white paper – and contact me if you have any thoughts or questions:
I write about:
#ThoughtLeadership #OrgTL and #Marketing