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Create Compelling Content

Implementing a successful organizational thought leadership strategy means focusing on five fundamentals:

🏆 Authentic Expertise
📰 Compelling Content
🍓 Strategic Distribution
☎️ Active Engagement and Networking
📏 Measuring Impact and Iterating

Today, we’ll focus on the second fundamental: 📰 Compelling Content.

Compelling Content:
Thought leadership is dependent on creating and disseminating compelling content that educates 📖, inspires 💥, and challenges the status quo.

Content can take various forms, such as articles, whitepapers, blogs, videos, or webinars. The key is to provide valuable 💵 insights, thought-provoking ideas, 💡 and practical solutions to the audience’s pain points.

Involving employees in content creation, whether through interviews 🎤, guest contributions, or sharing their experiences, empowers them
and fosters a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Focus on making your content simple but deep; easy to memorize and understand but still offering a lifetime’s worth of insight.

Compelling content captures the mood of the day’s events,
And also adheres to the org’s stated goals and values,
And provides “handholds” so that others can get involved, too!

That’s what keeps people coming back!

I write about
ThoughtLeadership , OrgTL and Brand


Create Compelling Content