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3 Ways to Keep Your Assets Evergreen

A lot of #thoughtleaders get inspired
by reading the news 📰 of the day.
There’s a lot going on in the world,
and they want to address hot 🔥 topics.

However, that news won’t be #relevant forever,
and that means your content has an expiration date! ⏰

So why are you wasting your valuable time
on something that can’t be reused? 😕

Here are three ways to keep your assets #evergreen:

🌲 Avoid topical references to celebrities or current events.
🌲 Don’t put dates on your pieces (unless you must).
🌲 Avoid trendy jargon and buzzwords that will become stale.

Avoid topical references to celebrities ⭐ or current events.
If you write a piece on something in the news,
be sure that you’re exploring a great topic
and not just commenting on something that’s a flash-in-the-pan.  🍳

Don’t put dates 🗓️ on your pieces (unless you must).
also, don’t use time-specific language or references.

Avoid trendy jargon and buzzwords. 🐝
Jargon isn’t as bad as “trendy” catch-words,
but it’s best to keep your language fresh, simple, and accessible.

Stick to how-to posts, top tips, stories about your experiences, or lists of useful resources.
That’s the way to keep your content evergreen!


I write about:
#ThoughtLeadership #OrgTL and #Marketing